Friday, June 18, 2010

Art is Art

This is made from sand!
Corny but true. Art is everything which is pretty cool when you get your head around it. I use to feel so much anxiety about creating art that I never did. What's the right kind of art? Does it have to be complicated? Is it about quantity or quality?


Now the magic begins. I've been sketching a ton in my moleskin (cult) and I have all these ideas flowing which is a start. Number 1 rule of art: Art is constant. Never stop putting your ideas on paper. This helps one further expand on their ideas. Everything is influencing one another including inspiring yourself from yourself. You could see a drawing you did a month ago and it may have more meaning for you now then it did before. Does that make sense?

Also I realize how important it is to make little demo versions of your ideas. Seeing them in tangible form only continues the process. Plus practice makes perfect or just awesome!


  1. So true...if you don't mind, I'm going to link this post to my own blog :)
